Upper Academy
Upper Academy equips students with the tools to navigate our complicated world, deepening their ownership of ethical and analytical problem-solving and decision making skills. Intentional class structure and size embraces students' social, emotional and academic growth through early adolescent years. Our Upper Academy curriculum reflects our commitment to educating the whole-child with spiritual growth, emotional development and academic training that brings glory to God. The VCA academic experience is enriched by athletics, independent projects, service learning, outdoor education, winter hut trips, field trips, and Ski Fridays.
Upper Academy Curriculum
Our Language Arts curriculum focuses on writing, grammar and reading. Students learn to be analytical thinkers while still receiving a traditional approach to grammar, reading, and writing.
6th grade math uses Saxon curriculums to continue to build the strong foundation laid in Lower Academy. Pre-Algebra is introduced in grade 7, and Algebra 1 in grade 8, with the goal of students testing out of Algebra 1 in high school.
Upper Academy students learn life science, earth science and physical science throughout their years at VCA. The science curriculum incorporates many hands-on experiences that enhance the learning experience, such as using microscopes and dissections.
In Upper Academy, World and American History is taught trough a Biblical lens conveying the truth. The curriculum creates analytical thinkers through understanding the story and the causes an effects. The curriculum used:
6th grade - World Story 2: Fall of Rome through the Renaissance
7th Grade - World Story 3: Explorers through the Present Day
8th Grade - Discovering our Past: History of the US. Early Years and Modern Times culminating in an end of year trip to the United States Capitol.
The curriculum used for Latin is “Vocabulary from the Classical Roots”. The purpose of Latin is learning the roots meanings and English derivatives in order to enhance vocabulary. Learning Latin roots creates an easy segway into other foreign languages and prepares students for academic and college testing.
Unique Upper Academy electives are offered quarterly so students can explore various passions, or hone in on a certain skill or interests. Electives vary year after year and have included worship arts, visual arts, yearbook, robotics, home economics, student ambassadors, and teacher’s helpers.
Our Upper Academy is committed to high academic standards that reinforce our classical approach to learning. The Trivium of the Classical approach means our students focus on grammar, logic and rhetoric and use those skills to understand, with greater depth, the world around them. Our students become active learners who show initiative by setting priorities and achievable goals, taking responsibility for pursuing their goals, monitoring and evaluating their progress with their teacher’s guidance, exploring their options and assuming responsibility for their actions.
“And I have filled him with the spirit of God, with wisdom and understanding and knowledge in all manner of work.”
Exodus 31:3
Because we are made in the image of our Creator, He gives us the ability and desire to practice creativity. The Upper Academy VCA academic experience is complemented by electives carefully designed to ignite creative fires more than just fulfill a requirement. Teachers bring their unique passions into the classroom and develop deep, caring relationships with students through their shared interests. Upper Academy students have the opportunity to choose their elective classes to further expand their education. These electives change quarterly allowing for different interests to be pursued. Electives offered include, but are not limited to: Chapel Band, Yearbook, Nordic Club, Visual Arts, Student Ambassadors, and more!
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”
Colossians 3:23
Our Upper Academy curriculum reflects our commitment to educating the whole-child including their hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. We believe in Christ-centered education that addresses spiritual growth, emotional development and academic training that brings glory to God. We are a school body that first and foremost put Christ at the center of our daily life and desires to build a school rich in love, academic excellence and service.
“But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”
Luke 11:28
Service at the local, state and national levels is a core part of who we are. We employ a progressive approach to our service learning projects to allow the depth and reach of each mission to develop along with our students. Our sixth grade students spend time here in the local community volunteering with organizations in need right here in Eagle County. Past service projects include serving at the Community Market, Round-Up River Ranch clean-up, and local watershed projects. Our seventh graders travel regionally on a service-based mission trip. Past destinations include Praying Pelicans in New Orleans and Arizona! Our eighth grade students spend the year studying US History, which culminates in a 5 day trip to our nation’s capitol.
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13
Our Outdoor Education Program, also known as O2, engages our students in new adventures to foster respect for all of Creation and community. Through experiential learning, such as fly fishing and rock climbing, students learn environmental stewardship and confidence in trying new things.
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”
Job 12:7-10