Parent Teacher Fellowship
One of the most important parts of the Vail Christian Academy community is the relationship between our parents and teachers. The mission of VCA’s Parent Teacher fellowship is to UNITE students, BUILD community and BLESS teachers. PTF encourages parents to be involved in their student’s school life through meaningful connection with other students, teachers and families. PTF meets on the second Tuesday of the month after drop-off. Meetings typically last 1-1.5 hours and include a 5 minute all-school update from the Head of the School, a 5-minute state of the school address from a Board Member, then time for connection and planning upcoming events. These meetings are open to everyone. Even if you don’t actively serve on PTF, all parents are encouraged to attend these meetings to stay informed and connected to what’s going on at VCA.
The small, close-knit community at VCA is extra special due to how students of all grades support one another. The PTF plays a unique role in planning and facilitating events that unite students across all the grades. Some favorites include the Fun Mudder held in the fall, the all-school Easter Celebration and Fruit of the Spirit Group service projects.
We believe fellowship amongst families at VCA is one of the most important aspects of our community - and what sets VCA apart from other schools. In addition to cross-grade student events, PTF plans numerous family events and parent connection points throughout the year. Starting with coffee & donuts during the first week of school and ending with the all-school Family Picnic on the last day of school, the calendar is packed with fun-filled ways to grow in relationship with the Lord and each other. Visit the Support VCA page to learn more about the annual Ski-a-Thon, one of our largest annual all-school community events.
One of the main joys and privileges of PTF is loving on the teachers and faculty at VCA through the management and oversight of the Teacher Gift Fund. PTF strives to provide a special touch for teachers at least once a month, whether its a meal at staff meetings or in-service days, surprise coffee deliveries, or holiday treats. In addition to these small touches, PTF plans and hosts a special event for teachers each semester: an annual Teacher Christmas Luncheon & Shopping Day and Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Additionally, PTF manages teacher birthdays, ensuring all teachers receive special gifts from their class so parents don’t have to worry about it. Through these special opportunities, parents are invited to get to know the teachers at VCA on a deeper level, often forming friendships that outlast their student’s time at VCA!
Join PTF
If you would like to get involved in our PTF please fill out the contact form below and one of our awesome PTF leaders will get in touch with you! Thank you so much for being part of our VCA family.